I am an art student at a university, I am majoring in studio arts and plan to get into animation! I am a huge Marvel fan! I am a Tankmen fan as well!


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Hoping This Will Happen…

Posted by Peonycreme - February 9th, 2024


Anyway, I am lowkey hoping that Johnny Utah will be ready to have someone finish his final 3 Tankmen episodes next year…

I think it’s the right time because it would be the 20th anniversary of the series, it came out in 2005, right? And I think finishing it is the best way to celebrate. And if Mr. Utah is still calling for animators, I’ll be more than happy to do it, he just has to contact me!


Also, my one of my biggest fears is that Mr. Utah will eventually forget about the final 3 episodes and it will remain unfinished in his lifetime. I just don’t want to it end up like these art pieces that go unfinished. I hear stories about artists who have unfinished work and they pass away with it and it’s very sad. I don’t want Tankmen to end up that way where the episodes go unfinished for all eternity. (Hopefully, that won’t happen) I am hoping one day, these episodes do get finished, whether the work goes to me or someone else. But whoever works on it, I wish them the best of luck. If it’s me, I’ll be over the moon.

But please @JohnnyUtah, don’t forget the Tankmen, I am a fan of them and I love them! I would love to see how this series ends!

And in the meantime, I am deciding if I should work on my Tankmen Prequel series I am thinking about doing, I haven’t fully decided yet. But if I do, you won’t see the first episode until the summer because I am an art student preparing for graduation and a potential internship. But just to let you know, I haven’t decided on the episode’s length and how many episodes the series will be, I just know that it will be short, the beginning will take place during Steve’s birth, in the first couple or few episodes, he’ll be a tankbaby, then for the majority of the series, he’ll be a tankling and we’ll see his family (I am going to show his sisters as tankbabies and John them and Steve), then John taking on Steve and his little sisters as they all deal with the loss of Steve’s parents, and the last couple episodes will deal with the sisters being killed and 15 year old Steve being heartbroken, the final episode will take place before Tankmen 0.5. Either way, let me what you guys think and I’ll let you know when I make a decision.



Wow! That cartoon was pretty controversial even for new grounds either people loved it or hated it.

It always was a mixed bag about what people thought of it, especially since Tankman was supposed to represent all of new grounds as a whole.

I think John just was himself(a bit too much) and didn’t really try to think of branding or reputation when he made it based off an old interview.

Although if Salad Fingers could make a return and Madness is still around it might happen… who knows.

That makes sense but it has its fans and the Tankmen are open source now (basically, like the public domain but they’re not a century old) so people can do whatever the heck they want with it and the law won’t after their butts. Also, I get that too, it was an artist-led webseries.

And you’re right, old things always come back (which is happening a bit too much in the entertainment industry nowadays) and Tankmen could come back just out of the blue. Or Mr. Utah comes to me and just says he’s ready and if I get the greenlight, I’ll just say that it’s returning. (Artists hate leaks and I respect Mr. Utah and his work) Either way, I am hoping it returns next year.

Well, if Mr. Utah wants to let it rot, that’s fine. But I wonder if I can get a copy of the audio and scripts from him and basically make the final 3 Tankmen episodes. The Tankmen are open source now so I can legally do this and I will make them if Mr. Utah will let me have copies of them. If not, then I’ll make my planned Tankmen content. (I also plan to pitch a full-fledged Tankmen series in the future for streaming, it will be my first series pitch)